Next Book. Murder Mystery…

Liam returns…

Read After Burnout

People who belong to Conwy (Conway if you’re English) like to think of themselves as true inheritors of the true Welsh. That is to say the Welsh who refused to bow to Edward 1 when he was rampaging through the principality. The castle is a tourist pull and statement of English intent. The walls, though, are far more serious. They go all the way back to Llewellyn The Great. If you’re Welsh, Llewellyn is a big name. Anyway, the people who are born inside the walls of Conwy like to call themselves Jackdaws. They call me a seagull.

This errant spouse that I have been asked to investigate is one of the most important Jackdaws in the town. He has a string of small shops, newsagents and ice-cream parlours, and a few other places that do not bare too much scrutiny. Let’s say that in Conwy terms, he’s one hell…

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Read After Covid…37

Back on board…

Read After Burnout

Her big head appeared before men. Hubble bubble, I was in trouble. I had been caught in the act. The urine was already cooling around me and no longer offered any comfort. Perhaps, I was happy to be chanced upon by these two trolls.

“What’s the problem?” The big head boomed.

“No problem. I just wanted to put myself in this position whilst I was pissing myself. I often find that around this time it is better to do this rather than to carry on sleeping.”

I was at their mercy and they delighted in this. I had never given much time to the idea of ordinary psychopaths, but now I was faced with one. The big head was the leader and her little helper her companion in cruelty. There was a snigger of a shared comment that registered on my radar. They were laughing at me.

“I’m glad that…

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Life and Death..Dad died ten years ago and our mother continued to live for a further ten years. We thought that she was going to live forever, she was a strong woman who could survive anything that was thrown at her. She rarely cried, not even when she was in hospital and had been told that hope was fading. I did see her shed a few tears and I did hear her apologize to me for her being unwell. Throughout her life, she had given herself to the task of looking after others. Always one to serve those who needed her, she had moved from home-help to old people’s residential care. She taught her children that caring for others was far more important than merely serving oneself. This is what she taught us.

Madness needs no excuse…

The week had been surprisingly good. A teaching agency contacted me to see if I would be interested in teaching in a special school in my home town. They put forward my CV and I found myself with an interview awaiting on my return. It put a smile on my wife’s face. And on mine,... Continue Reading →

Nobody Expects The Spanish Inquisition…

You should have expected it by now…

Read After Burnout


The problem, as Monty Python knew so very well, was that everybody had an inkling that something was coming. It’s the thing that you dread the most that refuses to materialise in the front of your mind.  It’s the Brussel sprout on your plate that just will never disappear no matter how many times you push it around your plate.

“And I spaketh thus as a lover of sprouts. Blessed be the sprout for it shall sit at the Christmas table regardless of any preconceived dispositions.”

We all know that New Year’s Day is a load of bollocks. New Years’s Eve is that last good pop at wassailing, wishing the best for the year to come, and making resolutions that will never be kept. But we do it anyway.

I thought I was ill yesterday. I really thought that I was unwell. I had all the symptoms; mainly lethargy. The…

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The Daily Update…(late)

So, yesterday the sun came out. It was the warmest day of the year so far, but that didn’t take much doing. This winter had been cold and damp. The skies had never made any serious attempt to turn blue, preferring their uniform grey. Because of the ironic upturn in the weather, I did my... Continue Reading →

Mum, Dad, the blog and me…

I encountered some dark days in the beginning. I had burnt out, lost myself on a path that was not mine, convinced myself that It would all come out right in the end. Endings, as it turns out, are just that – a cessation of actions and events that had led up to that particular... Continue Reading →

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